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    • June 27, 2012 12:48 AM CDT
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      Bad news
    • June 26, 2012 10:58 PM CDT
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      Untitled look what i started...sorry guys.

    • March 22, 2012 2:03 PM CDT
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      Quite honestly, I've had a bad sinus headache all day long, and I didn't sleep too well last night, so death is looking pretty good right now.

      Time For Tiffin said:

      A tad harsh to wish someone dead cause they don't share your love for some bloke ain't it?

      Feathered Apple Records said:

      You better drop it anyways, because you don't even seem to be capeable to spell my pal's name correctly, and because you've already spoiled it anyways! It makes no sense to clean wash afterwards, better drop dead!

    • March 22, 2012 10:31 AM CDT
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      A tad harsh to wish someone dead cause they don't share your love for some bloke ain't it?

      Feathered Apple Records said:

      You better drop it anyways, because you don't even seem to be capeable to spell my pal's name correctly, and because you've already spoiled it anyways! It makes no sense to clean wash afterwards, better drop dead!

    • March 22, 2012 9:17 AM CDT
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      That's what I call a good sport!

      MikeL said:

      Hey, I'm cool with it, and I can understand his position. I've been in the same position myself when it comes to Little Steven, so now I'm getting a taste of my own medicine;)

      Gringo Starr said:

      Ha ha ha! Easy does it guys! No need to fly off the handle. Right?


      Here for the stir

    • March 22, 2012 9:06 AM CDT
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      Hey, I'm cool with it, and I can understand his position. I've been in the same position myself when it comes to Little Steven, so now I'm getting a taste of my own medicine;)

      Gringo Starr said:

      Ha ha ha! Easy does it guys! No need to fly off the handle. Right?

    • March 22, 2012 9:02 AM CDT
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      Ha ha ha! Easy does it guys! No need to fly off the handle. Right?

    • March 22, 2012 9:01 AM CDT
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      You're the one who brought it up, and I'm just responding. I was actually hoping you were going to shed some light on this issue, and that is why I read your post. BTW, I sometimes spell Prevost's name with two "g's" because I get him and Kostelich confused. As for dropping dead, that's going to happen sooner or later anyway. Feel free to giggle if you happen to read my obit.

      Feathered Apple Records said:

      You better drop it anyways, because you don't even seem to be capeable to spell my pal's name correctly, and because you've already spoiled it anyways! It makes no sense to clean wash afterwards, better drop dead!

    • March 22, 2012 8:35 AM CDT
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      All I did was repeat something that someone else told me, and a few other people have told me similar stories. I'll admit that I've never met Gregg Prevost, and maybe he can be a nice guy, and I'm glad he's been so nice to you. I'm just going with my gut instinct based on what I've seen of him, and yes, I may be wrong. As for Kostelich, don't take it so hard. He has vendettas with a lot of people. And I do hope you noticed that I gave the CKs their due, that they are a great garage band.

      Feathered Apple Records said:

      How could you ever write such a total bullshit?? The Chesterfiield Kings were offstage even cooler than they were on stage!

      Greg Prevost has always been one of the very BEST and by far coolest buddies for years and years, and years! I've first got in touch with Greg by mail after the first C.Kings LP came out in ca. 1983, because I've liked his band and fanzine. He undoubtably has got one heck of a great knowledge about 60s bands (more than possibly anybody else on this forum has got!), and is close pals to many,many other bands/musicians!

      By the instant I've got his first letter back, I was realizing from the spot what a great pal he really is! He was always acting like the best old friend to me, I think. Even today I would still say that Greg has always been like the best of all pal's!, anytime!

      I've even got signed copies of the Kings "Stop!" and "Let's Go Get Stoned" LP as present from Greg without even asking! He has sent them in as a surprise! What a fantastic pal he really is! Something that I have never received from any other band, and I've used to work with a couple of bands during the 80s and 90s already!

      I've also met the Chesterfield Kings a couple of time in person too, before/after some gigs in Germany, and France. They've always been super cool, and most friendly!

      I'm sure that they have more friends than like the cynics, this is especially now after people on this sometimes lousy and not very garage forum have heard about how Gregg Koestlich of The Cynics and Get Hip Records thinks about other bands like The C.Kings..

      Bon appetit!

      The Chesterfield Kings were the first and also the best band to play in the authentic 1966 garage style! 'nuff said!

      MikeL said:

      Yes, I've heard stories from a former drummer of the Cynics that the CKs can be real assholes, especially Gregg Prevost, but it doesn't change the fact that they made some great music.

    • March 21, 2012 2:14 PM CDT
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      Hi Rob.  Whatsupp?

    • February 22, 2012 8:44 PM CST
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      Hey you guys! I had no idea about this!!! I was actually very fortunate to stumble across them in their very early days!!! I even had to send away for their first few singles cause they weren't sold in stores!!! Same thing with Generation X too!! I've seem them more times then I can remember, a really good LIVE band. I know Greg and Andy socially but haven't seen them for years...I'm sorry to hear about this but....I don't thing it will last very long....let's just think of it as a hiatus...

    • February 21, 2012 10:41 PM CST
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      Shitty, I never got a chance to see them live.

    • February 18, 2012 3:14 PM CST
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      Well , they did stick it out  for almost (Over?) 35 years , gotta hand it to 'em , there . But , they waved that license to be inconsistent around like it was going to get them a raise in pay.....I saw them 6 times. They were great twice , and  mostly terrible the other times , tho' they were'nt bad on the Little Steven revue with The New York Dolls , BUT , THEY WERE'NT GREAT, EITHER.... Their early 90's "Metal" phase was abhorral. I know someone who saw part of one of their EARLY 90'S gigs , here , on video , and said he was actually glad he had to miss the show because he was in JAIL.

    • February 17, 2012 5:20 AM CST
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      Well, maybe he was hoping to work on both things at once, and now he realizes that he can't do that.  Again, I'm just taking a guess.

      If this is true, it's sad, but they've been around forever, so maybe it's just as well that they're finally calling it a day.

      Wattage said:

      Yeah for at least 3 or 4 years now


    • February 17, 2012 4:09 AM CST
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      Well this sucks!

    • February 16, 2012 8:55 PM CST
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      Yeah for at least 3 or 4 years now


    • February 16, 2012 8:47 PM CST
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      Hasn't he had that for several years, though?

      MikeL said:

      BTW, I just remembered something...Andy Babiuk now has his own musical instrument and gear store, so maybe he wanted to call it quits so he could focus on his business.  This is just my guess.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 16, 2012 8:37 PM CST
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      that's a bummer


      greg was supernice when I met him at the HOG, been a while now but he just generally seemed pretty cool


      berlin wall of sound still gets rocked pretty regularly

    • January 27, 2012 3:45 PM CST
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      BTW, I just remembered something...Andy Babiuk now has his own musical instrument and gear store, so maybe he wanted to call it quits so he could focus on his business.  This is just my guess.

    • January 27, 2012 2:42 PM CST
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      I'm really sorry to hear that you never got to see them live.  Like I said, I didn't really take notice of them until 2004, when I first saw them at Little Steven's festival in NYC, but I got to see them live two more times after that.

      doornail said:

      That is horrible news!!!! The Chesterfield Kings were one of the most amazing garage rock bands ever.  I remember buying that first 45of the cover tune, I Ain't No Miracle Worker back in 81, and I never looked back.  The only thing was I was never able to see them live. 

    • January 27, 2012 2:41 PM CST
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      I'm also very sorry to hear about this.  I really didn't get into them until I saw them in November 2006 during one of Little Steven's Rolling Rock tours.  I bought "Mindbending Sounds" shortly afterward from Wicked Cool Records, and later I bought "Psychedelic Sunrise," their first original release on Wicked Cool, which I really loved.  Later on I bought "Lets Go Get Stoned," which I also really liked, and again I have Little Steven to thank for that, because the band played several songs from that album on a live CD/DVD released by Wicked Cool, which made me want to get it.  I also saw them at Halloween a Go Go in 2007 at the Hawaiian Tropic Zone in NYC, and that was another great show.

      Yes, I've heard stories from a former drummer of the Cynics that the CKs can be real assholes, especially Gregg Prevost, but it doesn't change the fact that they made some great music.

      I'll bet Gregg Kostelich is giggling about this, because he's been on a warpath with the CKs for quite some time.

    • January 26, 2012 8:30 PM CST
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      Sad news.  They were the first '80s revival band I got into way back when their first LP came out.  I was fortunate enough to see them in London in the mid-'80s and they were amazing.  I hung with them before and after that show and they were truly wonderful guys.  I owe my love of 60s garage/punk to them.  Time to go and spin "Hey Little Bird" xoxo

    • January 26, 2012 7:10 PM CST
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      That is horrible news!!!! The Chesterfield Kings were one of the most amazing garage rock bands ever.  I remember buying that first 45of the cover tune, I Ain't No Miracle Worker back in 81, and I never looked back.  The only thing was I was never able to see them live. 

    • January 26, 2012 9:56 AM CST
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      I remember talking to one of them (drummer Mike Boise) after their show here w/ the NY Dolls & Supersuckers (who Supersucked that night, btw), and he was really nice and friendly. Never got a chance to talk to Andy or Greg, though. But I can say that they were always really great in the promo department when I had my radio show... sent me all their albums to play, even sending signed Christmas cards every year and stuff. Not many bands do that sorta thing anymore!

      Rob Filardo said:

      they were always great onstage - it's *offstage* where they always sucked.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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