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  • Topic: Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon split after 27 years of marriage

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    • October 17, 2011 3:58 PM CDT
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      True love does not exist. 
    • October 19, 2011 6:38 PM CDT
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      To stick with the off-topicness:

      Just don't break the fuckin record, fucker.

      + It's that kind of comedy that's supposed to be annoying, no?

      It's one thing to be annoying in character and another being annoying as a character ;) hehe.


      Here for the stir

    • October 19, 2011 6:35 PM CDT
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      Yep, I like that.

      John Battles said:

       I would'nt take it that far. My friends , Randy and Donna Reeves (Of The Uncalled 4 ) were together since the 1970's , and would still be together , now , had it not been for Donna's untimely demise. Lux and Ivy were together some 35 years . They would have lived to be 100 together , if that was whatever power decreed.....I can only imagine being as big a band as they were , and wanting to live a normal life with a child , brings with it greater pressures and difficulties than "Normal " people go through.  But , no , for many of us , true love does not exist. For others , I'd say it does. For whatever reason.

      It's too bad , though. I met Kim in '86 . She was very cool , but , I would'nt have even taken them for a couple the two times I saw them in the '80's.


      Here for the stir

    • October 19, 2011 4:46 PM CDT
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      I thought I WAS going to die w/o seeing them. It only took me 9 years of being a fan , before I lived in a city that they'd play in ( They would'nt play in Dallas for years , presumably because a bunch of Metal chicks started a mini - riot , beating up on The Cramps' female fans , the previous time they'd played there. That was in 1980. I did'nt see them til 1990 , but , fortunately , several times after that , so , I was lucky.)

      Nicholas Hennig said:

      Funny you mention it because I'm wearing a Cramps shirt as we speak. I'd of died to see them live. 


    • October 19, 2011 4:02 PM CDT
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      After watching that interview I'd have to say I'd of been a dick to that dude as well. He's annoying as hell. 


    • October 19, 2011 3:54 PM CDT
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      Funny you mention it because I'm wearing a Cramps shirt as we speak. I'd of died to see them live. 


    • October 19, 2011 3:29 PM CDT
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      Nicholas ,

      If you meant what I said about Lux and Ivy (Which I only half - remember , now.), thank you. To be fair , when I met Kim , I was wearing a Cramps T-shirt that I made myself , because you could scarcely BUY one , even in the Hipster boutiques or record stores , in Dallas in 1986. She told me she liked the shirt ( With that , I should have taken it off and give it to her ,ha ha.   I'm only half kidding.) , and that Ivy was her idol. She said she'd just seen The Cramps in France , and it was great , and she loved Ivy's sneer. I could only DREAM of seeing The Cramps at that point.   There's that documentary where Thurston says The Cramps' first live show , with Suicide , in 1976 , at Max's Kansas City , was his Punk Rock epiphany. A couple of years ago , Keith Streng from The Fleshtones told me about being at the very same show , and how it was one of the greatest things he ever saw.  

      BUT...You don't break or discard a gift from Nardwuar, That makes you a MAJOR asshole , whoever you are. Give it back ,  if accepting hospitality is'nt your style.   He goes to a lot of trouble finding these things , yes , to soften the blow , should his interviewees find him annoying , and just because he likes to see the (Usual) look of joy on their faces. Of course , in the infamous Snoop Dogg interview series , it's NOT Nardwuar who's being a pain in the ass. Snoop steals what he chooses , even though his non - music has made him millions , BUT, in the end , he grants The N - Dog a fourth interview , IF he will rent a suite at the hotel he's staying at ,  which , of course , was like rolling up enough Canadian Dollars to make the equivalent of a gross of paper towels ,  and setting it all on fire.

      BUT , Snoop , several hours late , and "Blunted" , shows up , to return everything he ever took from Nardwuar !!!!

      Nicholas Hennig said:

      Yeah, good point on Lux etc.. 

      I've met Thurston. He was nothing but legit and awesome. Musicians are just people to. Sometimes you don't want people in your face demanding you to have conversations etc.

      People are people.

    • October 19, 2011 10:57 AM CDT
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      Yeah, good point on Lux etc.. 

      I've met Thurston. He was nothing but legit and awesome. Musicians are just people to. Sometimes you don't want people in your face demanding you to have conversations etc.

      People are people.

    • October 19, 2011 2:37 AM CDT
    • Untitled

      Authentic Assholes? Oh, come on, they have every right to find Nardwuar annoying. He is.

      I think they are being nice & polite under the circumstances.. 

      kopper said:

      Have you ever seen Nardwuar's interview with them from '91? They were pretty much assholes to Nardwuar, too. I realize a lot of people are (and Nardwuar always eats it up), but they seemed like real AUTHENTIC assholes. See for yourself:

      Doc Detroit said:

      A friend and I had a run-in with Moore at a record store in SF many years ago.  He was a total asshole.
    • October 18, 2011 5:44 PM CDT
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      That , he is. You can say you don't dig his humor , or that he's a little bit too over the top for you , but , at the end of the day , he's a very pleasant , likeable cat (Pardon my Sammy Davis Jr. - isms.) , and I'm proud to call him a friend. " Doot Doodle Doot Doot - Damn straight. ".          Besides , would Thurston Moore have had the moxie to goof on Gorbachev AND Gerald Ford ?!        John.

      swt said:

      That Nardwuar is a charming fellow. Christ, I nearly broke my computer half way through the video.


    • October 18, 2011 2:38 AM CDT
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      That Nardwuar is a charming fellow. Christ, I nearly broke my computer half way through the video.


    • October 17, 2011 9:56 PM CDT
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      Here's is the infamous record breaking incident (it's in part 2), fucking twats.


    • October 17, 2011 9:48 PM CDT
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      OK , I said Kim was cool with me.. She was. But , they were NOBODY , then. They played to about 40 people.

      Nick X said:

      I'm not sure if it's in that interview or the next one Nardwuar did with them but Lee Renaldo from the group literally destroys a rare record Nard gives them in from of him and Nardwuar yelled "you fucking asshole!" Sonic Youth are the only band I've ever seen make Nardwuar furious...well the band Blur came close. 

      kopper said:

      Have you ever seen Nardwuar's interview with them from '91? They were pretty much assholes to Nardwuar, too. I realize a lot of people are (and Nardwuar always eats it up), but they seemed like real AUTHENTIC assholes. See for yourself:

      Doc Detroit said:

      A friend and I had a run-in with Moore at a record store in SF many years ago.  He was a total asshole.
    • October 17, 2011 9:44 PM CDT
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      I'm not sure if it's in that interview or the next one Nardwuar did with them but Lee Renaldo from the group literally destroys a rare record Nard gives them in from of him and Nardwuar yelled "you fucking asshole!" (I think in that one he just bends it) Sonic Youth are the only band I've ever seen make Nardwuar furious...well the band Blur came close. 

      kopper said:

      Have you ever seen Nardwuar's interview with them from '91? They were pretty much assholes to Nardwuar, too. I realize a lot of people are (and Nardwuar always eats it up), but they seemed like real AUTHENTIC assholes. See for yourself:

      Doc Detroit said:

      A friend and I had a run-in with Moore at a record store in SF many years ago.  He was a total asshole.
    • October 17, 2011 9:17 PM CDT
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      Have you ever seen Nardwuar's interview with them from '91? They were pretty much assholes to Nardwuar, too. I realize a lot of people are (and Nardwuar always eats it up), but they seemed like real AUTHENTIC assholes. See for yourself:

      Doc Detroit said:

      A friend and I had a run-in with Moore at a record store in SF many years ago.  He was a total asshole.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 17, 2011 9:11 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      A friend and I had a run-in with Moore at a record store in SF many years ago.  He was a total asshole.
    • October 17, 2011 7:20 PM CDT
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      So, allegedly, there's no officially word as to if the band will continue after completing their current tour.
    • October 17, 2011 7:08 PM CDT
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       I would'nt take it that far. My friends , Randy and Donna Reeves (Of The Uncalled 4 ) were together since the 1970's , and would still be together , now , had it not been for Donna's untimely demise. Lux and Ivy were together some 35 years . They would have lived to be 100 together , if that was whatever power decreed.....I can only imagine being as big a band as they were , and wanting to live a normal life with a child , brings with it greater pressures and difficulties than "Normal " people go through.  But , no , for many of us , true love does not exist. For others , I'd say it does. For whatever reason.

      It's too bad , though. I met Kim in '86 . She was very cool , but , I would'nt have even taken them for a couple the two times I saw them in the '80's.

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