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White Mystery - Dubble Dragon

Posted by Glenn Peart
Chicago duo White Mystery live in Detroit with the song 'Dubble Dragon' ('ends' @ 3.18)
Posted April 14, 2014 - Filed in Music - #garage punk  #duo  #garage rock  #'60's garage punk  #60's Garage Rock 
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  • Dead Drugs likes this
  • John Battles
    John Battles ...Oh ,and their mom had some brief notoriety when her photos from the Disco Demolition at Comiskey Park in 1979 were honored with a gallery show.
    April 15, 2014
  • Scurvy Bandana
    Scurvy Bandana Dude that's awesome info, thanks for it!
    April 15, 2014
  • Glenn Peart
    Glenn Peart Thanks John, that's interesting to know.
    April 15, 2014
  • John Battles
    John Battles You're welcome.....I was visiting in Chicago , in '79 , right after the Disco Demolition (I learned late r, The Loop , who sponsored the event were/are just an average Rock STATION , NO BETTER THANTHE ONES I used to listen to in Dallas/Ft. Worth. Which me...  more
    April 15, 2014 - 1 likes this