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    • September 23, 2011 2:51 PM CDT
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      I love "Die When You Die"
    • September 22, 2011 8:12 AM CDT
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      I saw that Todd Phillips was interviewed in Bizarre about the documentary. He even said that Allin would have loved Road Trip, so I bet he would have loved Bad Taste and Meet The Feebles by Peter Jackson.


      Let's face it, Allin was just a poor man's Alice Cooper. 

      Dave r said:

      check out the doco- "hated" (its made by todd phillips who went on to film "old school" and a few of those comedy movies with will farrel) its not bad... the guy was a piece of shit, but an interesting piece of shit i guess... i like bite it you scum, catchy song....
      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • September 22, 2011 7:53 AM CDT
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      check out the doco- "hated" (its made by todd phillips who went on to film "old school" and a few of those comedy movies with will farrel) its not bad... the guy was a piece of shit, but an interesting piece of shit i guess... i like bite it you scum, catchy song....
    • September 21, 2011 11:40 AM CDT
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      Wow, I never thought of GG Allin in terms of power pop, but I'm amazed at how well it fits now that I'm looking at his music through that filter. It's easy to label him as punk because of the lyrics, leather, blahblahblah, but the MUSIC is totally power pop. Honestly, my mind is pretty blown right now.

      Also, in response to the original post- you should watch the documentary Hated. It's good, plus it him playing this, one of my favorite songs of all time-

      Chris Henniker said:

      GG's early stuff is the sort I can take to any indie disco and people'll cut a rug to it. It's just good power pop, simple as that. Some of it's even quite humourous. Gimme Some Head and Assface make me laugh, just for their utter ridiculousness.


      The later stuff is so bad it's good, just for its gonzo comedy value.

    • September 19, 2011 4:34 PM CDT
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      GG's early stuff is the sort I can take to any indie disco and people'll cut a rug to it. It's just good power pop, simple as that. Some of it's even quite humourous. Gimme Some Head and Assface make me laugh, just for their utter ridiculousness.


      The later stuff is so bad it's good, just for its gonzo comedy value.

      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • January 29, 2011 6:09 PM CST
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      Always was, is, and always shall be is a great record. Most of his other records are crap (especially his records from late 80s/early 90s).

      Btw. If youre interested in the records with Wayne Kramer and Dennis Thompson backing him up I think they are called GG Allin and the Motor City Bad Boys.

      whatwave dave said:

      GG's earliest recordings are actually quite good and many on this forum might actually enjoy them. As well as most of the Bay City Rollers songs...LOL..


      Track down anything that was released on Orange Records...most of that stuff is late 70's punk/powerpop oriented and some of this actually features members of the MC5 backing him up. The LP Always Was, Is And Always Shall Be collects a lot of this material, but not easy to find....anything after that is pretty much predicatable GG Allin fodder for the kiddies.

    • January 29, 2011 5:20 AM CST
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      I was a huge GG fan back in the day. Everyone is dead on about his older stuff being his best. I would agree that his acoustic is fairly good, Blood For You and Sitting in This Room are a couple of my faves. He does have alot of ppl that hate him and his music, but I don't think he would have it any other way.
    • January 28, 2011 6:52 PM CST
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      Don't Talk To Me is a super fun tune!

      kopper said:

      Always Was, Is and Always Shall Be LP (1980) is indeed fantastic. There are a couple of other early 7" EPs that are worth hunting down, too. The S/T 7" on Orange Records from 1980 is one, GG Allin & The Scumfucs 7" on Blood Rec. (1982?) is another.

    • January 27, 2011 6:21 AM CST
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      If you haven't seen it yet, Jerry Springer once devoted an entire episode to GG Allin, and had him on the show.  It's absolutely incredible how crazy he really was:
    • January 27, 2011 2:31 AM CST
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      Holy crap that's GG ? What ever happened to him ...thanks for the replies.

      kopper said:

      Always Was, Is and Always Shall Be LP (1980) is indeed fantastic. There are a couple of other early 7" EPs that are worth hunting down, too. The S/T 7" on Orange Records from 1980 is one, GG Allin & The Scumfucs 7" on Blood Rec. (1982?) is another.

    • January 27, 2011 1:19 AM CST
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      Only saw GG once. Way late. Maybe early to mid 90's up in San Francisco. I wasn't impressed. Just watched him do his poo thing and chase people around the club. Musically, it was boring and pretty generic sounding. With that said, I do like the two singles I have - 'Gimme Some Head' & 'No Rules' which it seems alot of people I know don't like. There was a CD that came out around '99/2000 that had most of his early stuff on it. i really liked it but can't find it now. Anyone know what it was called?
    • January 26, 2011 10:31 PM CST
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      Always Was, Is and Always Shall Be LP (1980) is indeed fantastic. There are a couple of other early 7" EPs that are worth hunting down, too. The S/T 7" on Orange Records from 1980 is one, GG Allin & The Scumfucs 7" on Blood Rec. (1982?) is another.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • January 26, 2011 3:44 PM CST
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      I agree, Always was, is, and always shall be is an amazing record! I'm not a huge fan of much released after that, but that record, made with the jabbers, is a punk rock / power pop gem. And i heard it was recently reissued, don't know by who though......

      whatwave dave said:

      GG's earliest recordings are actually quite good and many on this forum might actually enjoy them. As well as most of the Bay City Rollers songs...LOL..


      Track down anything that was released on Orange Records...most of that stuff is late 70's punk/powerpop oriented and some of this actually features members of the MC5 backing him up. The LP Always Was, Is And Always Shall Be collects a lot of this material, but not easy to find....anything after that is pretty much predicatable GG Allin fodder for the kiddies.

    • January 26, 2011 3:37 PM CST
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      GG ALLIN was a punk rock god and true new england hero. I proudly visited his grave and enjoy much of his catalogue. He's got great country stuff out there, great pop punk, great scum punk, spoken word, poetry, GG stirred a lot of pots and his musical merit is sadly overshadowed by his hilarious and limitless antics. But at the core if you really look at it is an artist who suffered and endured unflinchingly for his personal mission and never caved in, bowed down, or gave up. There is an honesty and a realness in his songs that cannot be found in much music. GG didn't give you what you wanted he gave you what you deserved. Other great recordings he made include the Murder Junkies LP (not to be confused with the band the murder Junkies) where GG was backed by ANTi-Seen. His last album is highly under rated as well Brutality and Bloodshed for ALL. Some people don't dig on the cookie monster esqe vox on this record but GG always liked to try new things, and this record is more indicative of his real life philosophy. It is hard to imagine anyone will ever overshadow GG ALLIN.
    • January 26, 2011 12:02 PM CST
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      GG's earliest recordings are actually quite good and many on this forum might actually enjoy them. As well as most of the Bay City Rollers songs...LOL..


      Track down anything that was released on Orange Records...most of that stuff is late 70's punk/powerpop oriented and some of this actually features members of the MC5 backing him up. The LP Always Was, Is And Always Shall Be collects a lot of this material, but not easy to find....anything after that is pretty much predicatable GG Allin fodder for the kiddies.

    • January 26, 2011 10:22 AM CST
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      Dirty Love Songs on New Rose collects the best stuff, mostly his stuff from '83 to '86 with the Scumfucs. Freaks, Faggots, Drunks, and Junkies on Homestead is also good. Bay City Rollers were great till Rock and Roll Love Letter proved all their detractors right.
    • January 26, 2011 7:05 AM CST
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      Better to go and buy something by the Bay City Rollers :) All of his music is worthless shit just like him.
    • October 23, 2013 5:58 AM CDT
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      I think GG is a compelling character, but even more so were the other members of the Murder Junkies esp drummer Dino Sex. Strangely a good place to start I reckon isn't a record but is the Hated dvd for good insights into the characters. A dvd called live and pissed shows him in a much more dynamic setting going pretty apeshit and not just shambling around trying to hit people like a punch drunk old boxer. It's a pretty tense affair with the audience as interesting as he is. 


      music wise, he's a bit hit and miss in my opinion. My advice is go to Spotify first as there's loads there. Youtube has got some cool stuff too. One of my favourite clips was of someone pissing on GGs grave and Merle his brother sauntering down and smacking said 'fan' over the head with his acoustic guitar!


      I have 'you give love a bad name' which is pretty rough but wth some good stuff and some scary as hell stuff (I'm a rapest (sic)). The ROIR hated in the nation set has demos and live recordings. He even did a country album. Some of his stuff is pretty duff like the sub sub heavy metal of 'live fast die fast' and its funny as hell video.


      GG's trouble I think was that he would ruin things by going on Gerry Springer type shows being a wild punk rocker; he should have retained some mystique.

    • November 17, 2013 11:45 AM CST
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      Does anyone think GG Looks a lot like Lou Reed in this shot?


      GG Allin looking like Lou Reed?

      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.

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