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    • April 13, 2011 7:54 AM CDT
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      ...people on Facebook add you to a group and you start getting a ton of emails in your inbox that you never asked to get? This happened to me just this morning. I woke up to find that some kind soul had decided to add me to a new "Rock 'n Roll" group there. I don't like the fact that people can just arbitrarily add you to a group without asking permission first. What's wrong with an invite like they have for pages? But, in general, I really don't like Facebook that much. I check in once or twice a day to check my inbox, update the page there and catch some wall updates from friends outside of the GaragePunk world, but honestly, most of what I encounter there just doesn't interest me. This group that I was added to could have fixed that somewhat, I suppose, but do I really have time to spend checking some other rock'n'roll-related group when I've got THIS site to also check and participate in? Um, no!

      So, before I left the group, I posted a message explaining why I didn't have time for it. Hell, I also woke up this morning to see that there are 14 new members that I need to check, approve, and welcome to the site. So it's good that people are still joining the site (and I think the Hideout comps are helping attract new people here, too, as I've seen a bit of a spike in new member requests the past few days). It'd be even better if I could convince some of these FB fiends to join and/or check in more often.

      Anyway, just venting a bit.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • April 18, 2011 12:17 PM CDT
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      Those emails are a good sign: GaragePunk is gaining power and growing!
    • April 18, 2011 3:39 AM CDT
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      Not as many emails as I'm getting each time someone joins GRGPNK Records here! Ha ha ;)
    • April 16, 2011 11:50 AM CDT
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      Catfish Jones said:

      Fucking South Park hit the nail square on the head with the Facebook episode. I don't care about the vast majority of people on there, and there really is nothing more annoying than being bombarded with irrelevant e-mails from groups that you are only tacitly involved with in the first place. 



      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • April 16, 2011 2:48 AM CDT
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      While I generally have grown to really dislike social network sites, I have ocassionally run into this. Before someone auto matically adds you to something like this, I would think he/she would wonder whether he/she would want this to happen to him. ... sorry if there are any typos, my daughter damaged the "h" key [it got stock] with her hunt and peck style typing!
    • April 15, 2011 1:50 PM CDT
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      I'm a bit confused, what exactly would be the difference between facebook and shoeboek?
    • April 14, 2011 5:06 PM CDT
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      You' re right.

    • April 14, 2011 5:02 PM CDT
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      While we're hating at Facebook, I'm wondering whether anyone's got the Hideout player working on their FB profile/page/whatever?
    • April 14, 2011 2:36 PM CDT
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      Fucking South Park hit the nail square on the head with the Facebook episode. I don't care about the vast majority of people on there, and there really is nothing more annoying than being bombarded with irrelevant e-mails from groups that you are only tacitly involved with in the first place. 


    • April 14, 2011 2:33 PM CDT
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      Good post. Welcome into the wonderful wild world of commenting.

      sidgirl said:

      This happened to me a few times, yeah, and I had no idea what was going on at first (I hate Facebook and only have a page because I'm expected to for work). Incredibly rude and annoying.


      Facebook sucks.



      (This is my first post here; I hope it's okay?)

    • April 14, 2011 1:14 PM CDT
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      This happened to me a few times, yeah, and I had no idea what was going on at first (I hate Facebook and only have a page because I'm expected to for work). Incredibly rude and annoying.


      Facebook sucks.



      (This is my first post here; I hope it's okay?)

    • April 13, 2011 2:11 PM CDT
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      Myspace is horrible. I went on it last week to update the account there and it was still just as poorly designed and clunky as ever.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • April 13, 2011 1:32 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      It will be a while before Facebook gets as bad as Myspace is now. The general level of intelligence on Myspace seems a lot lower than any other site around, the forums are rubbish and the groups were mostly spam and trash before they got rid of them. Although there were one or two that were pretty cool. 


      Trick with Facebook is cut down your friends. If you don't talk to people in real life, over the phone or by email then don't have them on Facebook (unless you just want to sneak around their lives).

    • April 13, 2011 1:13 PM CDT
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      Okay, gotcha. I just didn't want to agitate anyone, so when I saw this, it seemed like a sparked up some tension. Facebook can be exasperating a lot of times, but I just shrug most of it off. Like I stated on Facebook, this site has MUCH MORE to offer than most or even any other sites regarding Rock 'N Roll. If I can be of help in any way in spreading the word about this site, let me know. From time to time, I post links to here, usually podcasts I listen to and I've posted my page's link so people can see how killer this place is. And yes, I, too, get a lot of event invites from bands in other countries and it sucks, 'cause it's sort of a tease knowing I can't go and I love the band, heh. I got the same 'event' shit on MySpace, which I haven't even bothered with in over a year. I don't even remember my password or info to log in.
    • April 13, 2011 12:59 PM CDT
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      Oh, it's not just you, man. This happens to me probably once a week! Seriously, it's the biggest pain in the ass and, as far as I can tell, there's no way to prevent it from happening again and again.

      And Steve, yeah, you're right. The events thing is also bad. It's gotten to the point that I just ignore ALL event invites because most of them aren't even events in my own town but halfway across the globe.

      Sean said:

      It bothered you that much to post an entire topic on here? Just figured you'd maybe find it interesting and didn't know it automatically added you. Some people like being involved in more than one or two groups, so I guess I thought you'd find it pretty cool. Had I known it would've annoyed you to the point of venting on here, I would not have sent the innocent invite. All you had to do is leave the group and say no thanks, not post a topic about it or message me about it.



      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • April 13, 2011 12:43 PM CDT
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      I Couldn't agree more Kopper. I really don't like being added to these 'Groups' and I must delete about 20 emails a day coming from events that I clearly can't make it to. I'm sure some of the 'Events' are great but I live in a different country 98% of the time.

      Facebook is beginning to turn into Myspace in my opinion.
    • April 13, 2011 12:17 PM CDT
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      And also, I agree with you regarding the invite not giving you the option to accept or deny, I wasn't aware of that since when I first got invited, I had accepted a few other requests so I thought I had accepted the invite. But it really doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
    • April 13, 2011 12:12 PM CDT
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      It bothered you that much to post an entire topic on here? Just figured you'd maybe find it interesting and didn't know it automatically added you. Some people like being involved in more than one or two groups, so I guess I thought you'd find it pretty cool. Had I known it would've annoyed you to the point of venting on here, I would not have sent the innocent invite. All you had to do is leave the group and say no thanks, not post a topic about it or message me about it.


    • April 13, 2011 12:00 PM CDT
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    • April 13, 2011 10:11 AM CDT
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      John Carlucci said:

      What if someone adds you to a KKK group or something???

      Well, that's simple: You unfriend them!

      It's easy enough to remove yourself from a group you don't want to belong to... I just wish Facebook would make it so that you had to ACCEPT an invitation to a group, not have to leave it after you've been added without your knowledge.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • April 13, 2011 9:58 AM CDT
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      I know what you mean. I realized I had been added to a ton of groups I never even heard of. This is really lame. What if someone adds you to a KKK group or something???


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