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  • Topic: weird stuff (both funny and creepy) people have been posting on

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    • August 14, 2010 2:20 PM CDT
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      My website is for Live Action Roleplaying (LARP) games and Amtgard.
      But you don't need to understand anything about LARPs to enjoy (or worry about)  these posts.
      Some dude is post the funniest shit I've ever seen:
      "Hot Cum Beast"
      Just this guy's avatar is worth the price of admission-- which there isn't, its free!
      Then I got someone called "the Abbasynian" who seems to have the following history:
      1. She was in government experiments when she was a child.
      2. She was tormented by other kids a lot.
      3. She smoked a joint laced with PCP at a kiss concert.
      4. She lives in the mountains, walks barefoot in the woods and sees strange shit.
      5. She's a conspiracy theorist.
      6. She took amphetamines and had a stroke.
      7. Some creepy guy who posts encrypted messages and calls himself "lurch" (1urch) is stalking her:
      "Ive found you."
      "I didn't hide well enough."
      (in this case, truth is far, far stranger than fiction, although it could be someone pulling my leg)
      yeah, just go here and read her posts, but they are hard as hell to understand.  She just learned how to read and write a few years ago!

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