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The Viletones "Rebel" video remix 1977/2012

Posted by Samantha
Toronto's original punks The Viletones with 1977 footage by Peter Vronksy reconstructed for this video remix by Henry Martinuk, Chernozym Video 2012. The live performances were filmed by Vronsky for his documentary "Dada's Boys" about the emergence of punk in Toronto and its brief incarnation at the Crash 'n' Burn that lasted two months in an old shoe factory before being shut down. I spent many evenings at the Crash 'n' Burn drinking and dancing to The Dead Boys, The Poles, Teenage Head and The Viletones and it was always fun with no bullshit of the rock clubs that existed at the time. Punk would continue with bands like The Viletones creating some of the best music, fronted by the mercurial Steven Leckie. Toronto was one the three centres of punk, along with New York City and London, and an exciting scene produced The Curse, The Ugly, The Diodes and many more. The era is captured in the recent books by Liz Worth in 'Treat Me Like Dirt' and Don Pyle's 'Trouble In The Camera Club'. More info on The Viletones: A video remix by Henry Martinuk, Chernozym Video done with respect for the original punks.
Posted August 21, 2013
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