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The Rest of America Can Still Blow Me

  • Hello,

    Here is my first blog entry. I thought I'd share a little poem I just wrote with you. I was at a poetry workshop recently and the theme of the evening was "protest poetry." Well, here's my little stab at it. Until I can get a better title, it's called "The Rest of America Can Still Blow Me." Hope you enjoy:

    "American Idol five minute celebrities

    flash in the pan plastic dolls

    all wrapped up in lights

    to make us care

    I'm surrounded on both sides

    by left and right,

    Dummycrats and repugnicants,

    wackos and wimps.

    Truth comes in zany packages

    spit out with Ann Coulter snake venom

    twisted up in Michael Moore smiley faces

    Confusion rears its head

    and I sink further into my easy chair

    happily sucking my 44 oz. Mountain Dew

    while kids do drive-by rap blasting in the street

    and no rain parches the ground

    Yes, America, I do love you

    But thank God I can turn you off

    when I want to

    Okay, it probably needs work, I admit it. I just thought I'd share it with you anyway. Sorry for the double spacing, I didn't mean it to look like that. Anyway, thoughts and comments are appreciated, if you've got the time. Thanks for reading and have a good day.