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Boardwalk Empire (2010--)

  • If you would have talked to my grandparents when they were alive you would have the impression that they never even THOUGHT about sex. That my grandpa never got drunk in his life, just one night he "had a few too many but that was just once." and that he never smoked a cigarette just one "it wasn't a Lucky!"

    The truth, as far as I can fill in the dots, was that my grandparents were immigrants who came into a brutal world, my grandpa had a garage in Greenwich village where the mafia was known to terrorize other Italians first. He moved up to Saratoga where he worked on well-known gangsters cars while they were up vacationing and betting on the ponies. 

    Plus if you're a fan of Steve Buscemi you can't miss him as a mob boss in 1920. It turns out organized crime was pleased as piss when they passed prohibition because "we've got what a guy wants and what he can't have." This is an America that was built on cronyism, murder, corruption and hypocrisy. Nothing like today right?

    Executive produced by Martin Scorcese and Mark "Dirk Diggler: I wish this thing were real." Wahlberg.