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UNDECIDED (1966) by The Masters Apprentices - incredible sixties debut single

Posted by Mitch66
This was the first single recorded by Australian band the Masters Apprentices. It was composed just before a 1966 demo recording session in Adelaide when they needed an extra song. They were unsure what to call it, so named it 'Undecided'. It features a great overdriven guitar sound, apparently due to a faulty valve in the guitar amplifier. This song was an astounding debut, and featured raw playing and sound unlike anything else on the charts, in Australia or overseas. Jim Keays' vocals were brazen and uninhibited, complete with yelps and gutteral noises. Undecided was co-written by songwriter Mick Bower, who wrote classic songs for the Masters, such as Buried and Dead, Living in a Child's Dream, Wars or Hands of Time, and Tired of Just Wandering. Unfortunately he left the band early in its career due to ill health. Other members were Brian Vaughton (drums), Gavin Webb (bass) and Rick Morrison (lead guitar). The band eventually changed personnel while retaining Jim Keays, and went on to more success here in Australia, but for me that early incarnation was special. This is a band worth seeking out, especially those Mick Bower songs, as an example of the early Australian rock scene. Aztec Music has just released a remastered and expanded version of the first album with these songs and more. I know of no film clip for this song, so I created this slide show with mostly images of the recording line up (a few images of subsequent guitarist Tony Summers crept through). Comments are welcome.
Posted February 15, 2014
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