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  • July 24, 2024 - posted by Jesus E.
    • Location Benidorm [map]
    Anyone going to Funtastic 2024? Traveling there from California solo, anyone want to meet up?
  • March 31, 2024 - posted by Darren
    100+ Releases on the Trash Wax label, 1000's of records in stock, Cheapest international shipping on the Planet. Cramps, Monsters, Nomads, Phantom Chords, Messer Chups, Sting Rays, C.Kings, Vice Barons, Gun Club, Dead Moon, Marcel Bontempi, Lyres, and much, much more...Compilations, Rare stuff, New...
  • May 23, 2019 - posted by Sheep Dog
    Looking to #DJ some #CarShows in The #Ohio Area with great #Oldies & current #Rockabilly tracks if any one has a lead hit me up. Prices will vary depending on clients needs
  • May 7, 2019 - posted by vikbot
    • Location Boston, MA [map]
    Garage Punk band The Mess Me Ups, needs a drummer to play a couple of gigs in June, go into the studio, and make a the kind you can eat off of, or listen to the songs with a pencil and paper cone.   Songs are on Mess Me Ups facebook page..please imagine a better recording, and if...

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New Goldblade 'Acoustic JUkebox' album


    ‘Acoustic Jukebox’

    Overground Records

    OVER 139LP 689492156510 (colour vinyl, 300 only)

    Over 139CD 689492156527 (digipack, 500 only)

    Release date: 6th October 2014

    'The band turn up with one guitar, a manic vocalist and a drummer looking for a cardboard box to bang out the rhythms on. The band write their set list and draw all over the box and then start playing- this is no normal acoustic show- this has all the energy of a full on gig as the singer leaps across tables with no mic just hammering out the songs whilst the cardboard box gets demolished- the whole crowd are soon singing along and dancing and the energy and the atmosphere is infectious and a rewrite of the acoustic gig rule book...Goldblade have literally started a riot with an acoustic guitar, some old cardboard and a wild singer...'

    If you like to think like we do that punk rock is some kind of folk music - not just a folk music of finger in the ear, real ale country pub variety but a ribald urban blues, then we can talk.

    Last year Goldblade decided to strip punk rock down to its roots and instead of using amps, stages, drum kits and the paraphernalia of the rock machine started doing gigs where it felt right- random guerilla gigs in car parks, street corners, fields and legendary events like the HMV in Blackpool where 300 people turned up and swamped the shop with a joyous singalong.

    The play anywhere and use anything for the drums approach has seen Goldblade reinvent themselves and the possibilities of punk rock and has been so successful that they decided to record it as an album, acoustic jukebox, which combines their wild energy and their inventiveness and underlines the melodic prowess of their songs that can sound good whether acoustic or played in the style of Moroccan desert music- gnawa on traditional Moroccan instruments are even Psycho played in the style of one of the band's heroes George Formby.

    This is a limited edition release with a vinyl pressing of 300 and a CD pressing of 500. Just like one of Goldblade’s guerrilla gigs it’ll arrive in a whirlwind and BANG! be gone.

    Track listing:

    Fighting In The Dancehall/ Strictly Hardcore/ Jukebox Generation/ This Is War!/ Rebel Songs/ My Mind Is Like An Atom Bomb/ Psycho/ Riot! Riot!/ Do You Believe In The Power Of Rock ‘n’ Roll/ The Shaman Are Coming/ Psycho (George Formby’s Tape Recorder)