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Michele (The Italian Beatnik)'s Album: Wall Photos

Photo 4 of 133 in Wall Photos

I created, on a cassette tape, two 60's garage rock/punk compilations. A friend of mine burned me a CD with all the songs I've 60s garage and I had an original idea: to pour on the tape to be recorded all the songs of the CD, to create me a copy of the compilation cassette. To do this compilation, I was inspired by those I've seen on the internet. I think it came very well. I titled my compilation "60's Garage Rockers And Wild Punkers", since I wanted a title of my own. The second I recorded is titled "Raw, Rough And Blasting 60's Garage Punk". And so I finally created my own personal garage rock/punk cassette tape. They are very happy!!! Ah, I forgot: The cover artworks of both compilations are done by me.